
Thursday, November 8, 2012

So for a while now I've been doing okay to bad sets. Which is not unusual. There's got to be some ups and downs the thing is even on the nights I felt sets were off I'm still glad I got up to perform. Tonight though was what I'd call my best set and night in quite a while. Plus I was able to host the show and introduce the other comics. The only reason I was able to do this because it was a small amount of comics and I was the most regular comic. So I'm so glad I went tonight.

Friday, October 26, 2012

So here is the day before my Birthday Open Mic night. It wasn't my best, and I knew why before I even got this video loaded to youtube. I tried jokes I worked up in my head on the drive over and when I tried to get back to my current set I had a brain fart and couldn't remember. Oh well here's to next time being better.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Missing footage

So my memory card got full and I was only able to get about 2 minutes or so of this show. So here it is.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Back Again

Sorry for being so quiet over the past few monthes. As much as I hate to admit I sometimes lose my groove. Well I have to stop doing that and/or make them much shorter. Anyway here's a collection of my Stand ups from the last few weeks.

You know what Maybe there weren't as many as I thought. Oh well enjoy them anyway! :D

EDIT: Wait I uploaded one more video to Youtube but not here, so here it comes.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Long time no See

Hey folks sorry it's been so long since my last post. I have no good reasons for not posting. Our final Performance of level 2 Comedy Sportz went really well. In the mean time I'm trying to get my truck running so I can make an offical move down to Indy. And when I do I'm going to take Level 3 of Improv at Comedy Sportz.

Anyway here is my most recent bout of Open Mic down at Jesters. The Audience was mostly other Comics like myself so it made for a tough Audience, but all things considered I think I did well.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ryhme Tyme or Time for Ryhme

Oh wow where did the time go. I almost forgot to talk about my most recent Monday night Improv class. So yeah if you hadn't figured it out this week was all about Ryhme. And to be Honest it may have been the toughest class thus far.

For the very first time I was late for class. I had to stop by and pick up Mark who was having car trouble. If I hadn't had so many drinks earlier in the day I might've made it a little earlier. The best part was that I was on the oppisite side of the rode and had to hold up traffic to get him in. And to top it off I forgot that the doors were locked. So we get to class and guess what I have to pee....again! So once I get back Dave is passing out fly swatters and for our first game of the night we get to bang on stuff. I had a headache but I'm not a complainer. At least I try not to be.

Not much that really stood out as far as game went. I mean we played out scenes where we had to ryhme with the person before us. And a few times we had to do an AB, AB, ryhming scale, boy that was fun. But when I heard that we were doing Irish Drinking songs I was kind of excited. But all and all not one of my better nights.

Also afterwards Mark and I hung out for a bit. I gave him a ride, and he gave me a bit of dinner. (Thanks Again Mark) Then we checked out a bit of the neighborhood, and talked about our individual podcasts. I was hoping to mine with Mark, but I got the impression that he was pushing me to do it on my own. So I shooting to record my first one on Sunday, and I'm just wanting to figure out the recording parts, and getting it out there for others.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Back in the Saddle

I've always loved that phrase. Don't know why. So anyway I performed stand up yet again last night at the Melody Inn last night and it felt good trying to come back after what happened up at Jester's. I'll come back to that in a minute. Last night was also improv night.

So I know last time I felt like I was totally on my game last week for improv, but I felt that Candi was really doing the shining last night. She was up on that stage for more sketches than any one person and she was really good. I think my favorite Candi line was when here and (New) Karen were doing a scene at a Winery. (New) Karen said "You've got to try this *Insert Wine Type here* it has a buttery taste." And Candi poped back "I prefer more a margarine flavored *Insert Wine Type here*" That was my favorite line. Although I got some big laughs when I played a Sterotypical Gay man at a sports Bar called the Tight End. Which is a gag I remember from the show "Grace Under Fire". So yeah had a lot of fun at improv.

So getting back to my stand up last night. It was loooooong list we got there. I went on around the 11 person on the list. And by the time I got on there was almost no one left in the bar. Having said that though I felt this went waaaay better than what happened with Jester's. I have been doing different jokes each time but only because I have a hard time remembering them so I'll have to figure that out soon. All and all I'm glad I didn't let my first time bombing get me down.